These are the listings of the key macro's that have been defined in key.lsp and several associated lisp files, the lisp file name is typically the same as the key press. Power hint!! Use the space bar for the return after typing the command. Key Press Description a............................arc ar...........................array b............................break bl...........................block c............................copy cbs..........................change block scale (lisp routine) I wrote this one when I called up a drawing and all the blocks were out of scale and needed to be scaled down while maintaining the insert points. It has come in handy since then, so I thought I would include it. \ cc...........................change color (lisp routine) cf...........................chamfer cg...........................change ch...........................change entities to new layer (keyboard input) lc...........................change layer of selected objects by picking entity on layer you wish to set. cp...........................change properties col..........................lisp routine to draw columns and centerlines enter the grid spacing x seperate from y, enter the column size x & y, then pick lower limit and upper limit. 2 - point tc...........................change text, height, width, oblique, rotation and style. Default is change text. ctl..........................copy selected entities to user supplied layer (lisp routine). Great for multi-layer drawings I use it to copy the floor plan for mechanical plans, which sometimes edit the floor plan to remove objects below ducts. \ cw...........................commercial windows (lisp routine) simple window command, draws one window with jambs on layer 'aw'. has a reference point feature, at the "pick startpoint of window" prompt, a return, instead of a pick, will invoke the reference option. d............................distance dd...........................'ddatte, attribute dialogue box de...........................'ddemodes, entity creation screen dl...........................delete multiple layers by pick only ! td...........................dtext e............................erase el...........................erase last (whoosh !! It's gone) et...........................extend or trim multiple objects (lisp routine) trim is the default, if you zoomed out to far it will not trim (bad arg's). If anybody knows a fix i'd like to hear from you. f............................fillet no radius fw...........................fill wall (lisp routine) fills wall with thick polyline, enter wall thickness. great for existing walls to remain. \ fl...........................freeze multiple layers by pick only !! use no crossing or windows with this as you will sit and wait. Simply select the objects on the layers you want to freeze, one of each is all that is required. gf...........................lisp routine to get a new drawing file from the command prompt in autocad. it offers you the choice to save or quit. gn...........................polygon grd..........................ceiling grid gs...........................get text style by selecting exist. Text might have to return at the end for standard autocad text fonts. h............................hatch i............................insert ib...........................insert block by picking an existing block. it...........................easy import text, current style. lt...........................change lintype (lisp routine) ky...........................keynote program w/ leaders l............................line ld...........................leader with text. Enter scale factor and select from [3] types of arrow heads. \ lmp..........................line from the mid point of any two picks or coords. lp...........................load lisp file, specify name. ls...........................list m............................move mm...........................mirror (mpl)........................mid point of any two picks or coords. mfl..........................multiple freeze layers o............................offset oh...........................draws overhead cabinets on current layer. oo...........................sets osnap to none op...........................openings in walls. pl...........................pline p............................non-transparent pan pe...........................pedit q............................quit r............................rotate rc...........................rectangle (two picks or coords.) rd...........................non-transparent redraw \ sizing (lisp routine) this room size routine allows you to pick from a list of rooms already defined or enter your own (1 word only) then places the size and name at the center of the room. Pick lower left, upper right. rw...........................residential window (lisp routine) draws one window with sills on layer 'aw' has a reference point feature, at the "pick startpoint of window" prompt, a return, instead of a pick, will invoke the reference option. S............................pick entity to set layer sc...........................scale se...........................set layer, user supplied layer name. st...........................stretch ss...........................status t............................trim te...........................text wc...........................wall center. One wall. (Lisp file) wl...........................draws walls, fillets as it goes. x............................explode \ za...........................two zoom alls to .95x, with a save. (Takes some time) zc...........................zoom center zd...........................non-transparent zoom dynamic. zp........................... " " " Zoom previous. zw........................... " " " Zoom window. zq...........................zoom limits, to avoid regen. zs...........................zoom to smallest size, no regen. z5...........................quick zoom out .5x z7...........................quick zoom out .7x \ defined offsets 1............................1" offset 2............................2" 3............................3" 4............................4" 45...........................4 1/2" 6............................6" 725..........................7 1/4" 8............................8" 10...........................10" 12...........................12" 15...........................15" 16...........................1'-4" 18...........................1'-6" 24...........................2'-0" 30...........................2'-6" 36...........................3'-0" 48...........................4'-0" \ Script files: Some script files have been included: reconfig.scr............................this reconfigures the tablet by supplying the answers for the kee menu. newtab.scr..............................configures the tablet the first time a new tablet is needed. compress.scr............................this script file is used with the compress lisp routine. Use this routine with caution some users have said it bombs when used with any aec products. Do not use this menu software with any other menu template software. get_it.scr..............................this script file is created when executing the gf(getfile).lsp \ be used to open a new drawing i.e. Acad new 1, from the dos prompt. 2.scr...................................same as above only open an existing drawing. 3.scr...................................same as above only enters the plot option and goes to town. Make sure your parameters are set, cause this one does not ask questions. Drawing must be supplied also. i.e. Acad dwg-name 3 18.scr..................................used by plot.lsp to plot at 1/8" scale. Again set your parameters up first, once the questions in plot.lsp have been answered, it plots. this will be updated soon so look for this to auto set your pens. 14.scr..................................same as 18.scr for 1/4" scale. f and fit.scr...........................same, plot to fit. \ ****miscellaneous notes**** Menu files: Two menu files have been provided one for a c: drive set up ( ckee.mnu ) and a d: drive set up ( dkee.mnu ). *********************************************************************** Please note that the door routines are accessed by the tools section of the pulldown menu!!!!! *********************************************************************** Misc. Files A file called keeline.lin has been included, this file has some extra fine line difinitions in it (check it out). **************************************************************************** CNS.LSP and DNS.LSP are block replacement routines for changing an existing symbol into one that you are more comfortable with. These were added at the last and as far as I know they work only to change an existing symbol in the kesym1 directory. CNS is for a C drive set up and DNS is for a D drive setup. **************************************************************************** \ Drawing environment set up: To set up your drawing environment use the pop down 'setup' to start a new drawing answer the prompts and it should do the set up. The symbol library is currently being updated to add more and to clean up some symbols, and to add some 3d symbols. I have tried to put together a complete package but I know that despite my best intentions, I am sure there are some things I am not aware of. I can take it. Let me have it. If you feel the desire to help in the creation of a new and inexpensive alternative to the high priced menu systems currently available, criticism is needed, help or support is vital. Any help with lisp routines, and other aspects of the menu are greatly appreciated. Patrick James McKee, Author Rt. 1, Box 5 Combs, Arkansas 72721 pmckee@uafsysb.bitnet